
Showing posts from October 27, 2020

The Twisted Transatlantic Tale Of American Jack-O'-Lanterns

A President Looks Back On His Toughest Fight

Watch A Paraglider Play Soccer Mid-Air

Coronavirus Cases Are Now Rising In Almost Every State In The US

Trump Campaign Website Briefly Defaced In Cyber Attack

Cardi B's 'WAP' Proves Music's Dirty Secret: Censorship Is Good Business


picture of the day

Ballrooms, Candles And Luxury Cottages: During Trump's Term, Millions Of Taxpayer And GOP Dollars Have Flowed To His Properties

Jon Stewart Returns With Current Affairs Series For Apple


Xanthippe: Palabra del día: October 28, 2020


Xanthippe: Palabra del día: October 28, 2020


picture of the day

Woman wounded in fatal Waukegan police shooting: 'Our 7-month-old son will never know his father'

Trump to women at Michigan rally: 'We're getting your husbands back to work'

Chrissy Teigen pens heartfelt essay on pregnancy loss, explains why she asked John Legend to take photos

NBPA's Michele Roberts on NBA proposal to start 2020-21 season in December: 'I don't know what I think yet'