Will schools and day cares require masks or COVID-19 vaccines in fall 2021?
from USATODAY - News Top Stories Will schools and day cares require masks or COVID-19 vaccines in fall 2021?
Erin Richards and Alia Wong, USA TODAY
June 17, 2021 at 09:01AM
Even with more adults and kids getting the COVID-19 vaccine, mask requirements may be in effect in some fashion for fall semester 2021.
from USATODAY - News Top Stories Will schools and day cares require masks or COVID-19 vaccines in fall 2021?
Erin Richards and Alia Wong, USA TODAY
Even with more adults and kids getting the COVID-19 vaccine, mask requirements may be in effect in some fashion for fall semester 2021.
June 17, 2021 at 09:01AM