The Backstory: More kids are getting COVID just as school resumes. Here are the facts, the fights and the fallout.
from USATODAY - News Top Stories The Backstory: More kids are getting COVID just as school resumes. Here are the facts, the fights and the fallout.
Nicole Carroll, USA TODAY
August 13, 2021 at 09:00AM
Every day this week we've reported about hospitals filling up with kids who have COVID-19. Here is what is going on.
from USATODAY - News Top Stories The Backstory: More kids are getting COVID just as school resumes. Here are the facts, the fights and the fallout.
Nicole Carroll, USA TODAY
Every day this week we've reported about hospitals filling up with kids who have COVID-19. Here is what is going on.
August 13, 2021 at 09:00AM